Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Infinite Trippin' Imagination.

Smile first before reading please

I see the Rhinos, Elephants and weird looking heavy animals running towards the same direction, and i cannot hold my head still to figure out which direction. Their feet's blowing dusty and gasping heavily for air, i can tell they are angry and anxious but couldn't figure out their motives, Perhaps they are running for freedom. when i turn up to look at the sky, i see dragons flying round and round breathing fire. They are all in my head and those which are running, its in my heart. that's why my heart beats and head feels alive.

I see my tattoos come real, my left hand looked like a snake with shining skin holding a cigarette on its sharp teeth and wrapped around its thin tongue. I did not look at my other hand and rest it behind my back. I didn't smoke that cigarette until it hit the butt of it. And the paranoia of what my other hand would look like didn't escape my thoughts. As i couldn't skip my current thought getting paranoid, i sat there looking at 2 of my friends, Perhaps they were embracing their trip! i surely wasn't sure how to embrace what i was going through then but now i embrace the memory of it :)

Those 2 human friends didn't look much like human then. i cannot explain it i can only picture it, it was worth it.

Control your mind, embrace it, life is beautiful, imagination is worth explored.

I am not what they say i am ! They dont know me.

"It is perfectly acceptable to believe in something when there is no objectively good evidence" - Pierrot le FouAll the children are insane. I only want my mind to be clear. people making fun of me, for the reason ' Jealousy'. I end up fantasising about my death, killing myself holding my breathe. help me, comfort me! stop me from feeling what I'm feeling now, but stop, don't stop. i don't want to stop feeling what I'm feeling,I do not want to be like you all. i do not want to feel like you, i don't want to look like you, i do not want to live my life like you. I look at you, i laugh, you all are the same, just like those sheep the farmers keep to shave thier wools and what not. i say to myself, only if you've been where I've been. And i don't want to ask you if you want to come along with me. There is nothing that will keep you happy, nothing to satisfy you, nothing to make you feel like moving on, Nothing fake. I do not want to feel guilty for making a mistake, i do not want to take a Chance, i do not want to make you realise that what you live for is not necessary to live. Breaking the mirror will kill your identity, Thus you might get lost, Scared, figure out how unknown you were to yourself. Your life is a comedy show for me, at times gets annoying, just like when you have too much of sugar, it wont taste sweet nomore. what you do to achieve your aims is like a reality show. How you try to fit in the society, how society itself in the first place is made to control and you've been brainwashed since your birth about its meaning and what it does to you. What society does for you is nothing, it just makes you spend your life for them, Gives you a tag of " responsible members of the society", wah what a motivation, in return u are just another recruit to fill the pockets of those who run the society. Politicians, preachers, Corporate business runners,  they create and sustain voilence to create fear Or they wont have the money flowing.
Have you realised, they made time to create a fear of death so you would do what they want you to do as soon as you can. Why you do what they want to do and why you think that whatever you do is for yourself? Because you were told so, you were made to believe in it since your mind started to acknowledge the commands of those who taught you things that you know. Have you ever explored your mind and then learned something out of it! Something no one told you, but it is still there in your mind, but why didn't anyone tell you about that? is it because whoever taught you didn't know about it? or they didn't want you to know about it!? When you know those things that's in your mind that no one ever told or taught you, What are you going to do about it? Your teachers and parents and preachers didn't know what they taught you when they were born, they were taught. Who taught them? Who started teaching? the first person to start must have explored their minds and found out something new, something different and then started talking about it and explored more and when it all started to make sense to them they started telling other people, Other peoples reactions might have been positive when they understood and negative when they didn't understand It just their ego blacked them Or perhaps they had their own philosophies but they never spoke about it.
I imagine a biological earth, a first human existence, Unknown to everything, lucky. when the waters around grown, now we have swim or we will sink like a stone.this post mechanical world is simply the middle age of extension of human race. those who know that we are driving fast to the generation in which human will not be able to settle their habitat simply because we are biological beings and Please stop saying we are social beings. In the name of society majority of greedy flies are taking advantage of others and earth. The biggest ball of greed, the secret societies who would play with anything to satisfy their desires, followed by massive multi national corporations, banks, politicians first create a discrimination among humans, make them differentiate each other based on colour, possessions considering their potential which they can manifest and abuse. They made religion to control humans as sheep's just like the politics. Its all dirty business conducted in the name of humanity welfare. It is so transparent whatever they say and whatever they do reflects the greed of a small group of people who have gained power by brainwashing the humans like sheep.

Mr. Francis Jamang, said: “Our peaceful and accommodating nature should not be seen as cowardice as no one person has the monopoly of aggression. Therefore, we shall resist any attempt by disgruntled elements that terrorize us.”

Social Reactions without Conclusions?

Parents wont let me be, they are scared of what society would think and say. my creators are enslaved to the society, the humans who are nothing but greedy, selfish and arrogant humans. i refuse to be a slave to the society, i am not a puppet. i stand my ground, being myself as long as i have my energy, consequences aren't to be blamed to anyone. The human race is racing towards its own extinction. Why cannot you see?, you need to wake up, be yourself, do not fear the society. Society is organised in such a way you give majority a favor, where the votes are not made by their own will but by the fears concerning what others would say and to whom to blame on, if things don't go the way they expect.  Your need to be just like everything else is what i cannot ever do. i am not sorry cos i am myself, i am myself cos i rather be isolated being myself than to socialise beings someone else. Today i feel why did i decide to live on! i have lost the  will to live now. I don't want to be your puppet, i will never be your slave, i will not follow but i will create a new revolution. I will stand my ground, kill my body, so you can see how honest i am. i don't need to fake or pretend. This so called family disgraces me without understanding me. no one can understand me because they are all brainwashed by same religion, media and fucking crap they blab about with their friends and family and so called society.

 Isolation is not enough, they want you to either surrender to them be like what they want you to be or the ultimate freedom is Suicide, once a Thinker opened up to me" Suicide is a choice of the braves. The pussies says pussies suicide, Hypocrisy. You need balls to commit suicide, no pussy can suicide. It for freedom of soul, Soul(energy) will go  back to where it came from after the physical body dies. He quoted, " rather let it be where it belongs than to unwillingly trap it where it don't want to be, it suffocates and then you suffocate."

i never want a recognition from your society, judges., teachers, riches.  It's just because, its like jumping off the cliff just to feel, how it feel to fly and then you hit the ground and you feel what you never wanted to feel, If you know what i mean. if you cant figure out you should ask me please. i rather walk down the river and take swim where the water flows with the pace i can be comfortable.

If you do not listen to yourself and follow what other says, then you are simply ignoring yourself.

Rationalism will clarify the confusion, Let there be Liberation of thoughts and satisfactory self.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Human Vs Nature

Human Beings are the product of Nature. As i spontaneously speak my mind and type these words, I cannot help but to address one of many factors that makes Human do not consider about Nature and run after their own creations like Money, Material Objects, Time, Religion, Society and everything that a society believes in, regardless of the very roots that we all have to rely on to survive, Nature.
I am well aware that my thoughts towards making contribution to save nature is futile. I cannot ignore the damage that my race has been sustainably choose to fulfill their wants. If we can realise that our physical body will give up and die one day, why cannot we be rational and generous for once towards Nature. Is is the greed that we possess? is it the constant insecurity that runs in our head which pumps our heart faster? Is it the fear that controls our thoughts? or is it the society which just won't let us be ourselves?
We live in this generation, where i see majority if the factors that humans fancy are controlled by fewer humans. I do not blame the revolution or technological advancement, nor do i blame the corporations or the commodity slaves. The government that controls the nations opinion and the corporation that controls the human mind. I just want a rational answer for one question. Is there a hope for Human race or is there none to live for?
Conspiracy theories are created on daily basis to generate confusion and fear. Insecurity runs with the blood in the veins like a leaf floating on the river without any conclusion as in where it is going to end up resting or will that leaf ever get a chance to rest, perhaps get stuck somewhere or get crushed by the current. I feel confused, i feel insecure because i cannot just say, " Carpe Diem" though i have a permanent tattoo saying it. I cannot pretend that i am happy with my race for what we have done to mother nature. My soul seeks an answer as in where to belong, i do not want to wander anymore.
The insecurity that someone would earn more money that you, your child is not doing as good as your neighbour's son or daughter in school, job, not earning enough, or he or she did not choose a profession as others children did. It is not for parents to decide what their children choose to do with their life. Once a child grows to a certain age and experience life and get to know new things, then he/she would want to have their own space in their mind and life. Grown ups wouldn't want to get controlled but child can be controlled. A life deserves respect and private space. if we can think and understand this theory of respect, i am sure that my soul will find a place to rest and all the insecurities will vanish in thin air.
Mother Nature deserves respect. And i strongly believe, those who has self respect can only respect others. And in Conclusion, I would like to highlight, If you do not respect, do not expect others( Nature) to respect you.
(There is no End)